Makopo Industrial Supplies

Blog Posts

  • EU grants not enough

    South Africa is poised to become a major player in the global energy transition, thanks to its vast renewable energy resources (sun and wind) and its plans for green hydrogen production.

    Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, where renewable electricity splits water into hydrogen and oxygen. Unlike grey hydrogen, which is derived from fossil fuels, green hydrogen emits no greenhouse gases – only water vapour. It is seen as a good alternative to fossil fuels in sectors that are hard to electrify, such as heavy industry, aviation and long-haul transportation.

    EU grants not enough
  • Opportunity in plastic pipes

    Interview with Kgomotso Lekola

    Lives in: South Africa

    After making a three times return on his previous venture, South African entrepreneur Kgomotso Lekola spotted an opportunity in manufacturing heavy-duty plastic pipes for industries such as mining, agriculture, and construction. His company, BT Industrial Group, also offers engineering consulting services and ventured into medical product manufacturing a few years ago. Jaco Maritz spoke to Lekola about his entrepreneurial journey.

    Opportunity in plastic pipes
  • Leadership to use industrial policy

    With industrial policy back in fashion in many economies, business and policy specialists expect new Trade, Industry and Competition Minister Parks Tau to prioritise measures to support key sectors, including those aligned to the emerging green economy.

    The former Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Deputy Minister and City of Johannesburg Executive Mayor has been appointed to the position in the government of national unity (GNU) together with two deputies, Zuko Godlimpi, also of the African National Congress, and Andrew Whitfield, of the Democratic Alliance.

    Leadership to use industrial policy
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