WELDARC: 200 DC Inverter (MMA & Lift Tig)

R1 345,00

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3m Welding cable with electrode holder; 2m Earth cable & clamp
Portable IGBT Inverter stick welder 220V 60% Duty Cycle
(CCA Cable 16mm2, 35-70 dinse connector),
Weight 3.55 kg

SKU: WELDARC02 Category: Tag:

Introduction to Weldarc:200 DC Inverter

The Weldarc:200 DC Inverter is a trusted solution for all your MMA welding needs. Its advanced technology ensures high performance and reliability for precision work.

Key Features

This inverter boasts a lightweight design, making it easy to transport, alongside exceptional energy efficiency. The Weldarc:200 operates smoothly under various conditions, which enhances its suitability for both professionals and hobbyists alike.

Why Choose Weldarc:200?

When opting for the Weldarc:200, you benefit from its robust construction and user-friendly interface. Experience the blend of efficiency and safety that makes this inverter a top choice for welders across the globe.

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